James Cook

Adventures or Adventurers

Charlatans and Liars at James Cock-Up Hospital

Thespis of Icarius Thepsis of Icarius
James Cook Hospital aka Circus in Town Ring Master

A charlatan (also called a swindler or mountebank) is a person practicing quackery or a similar confidence trick in order to obtain money, power, fame, or other advantages through pretence or deception. One example of a charlatan appears in the Canterbury Tales story "The Pardoner's Tale," with the Pardoner who tricks sinners into buying fake religious relics. Synonyms for charlatan include shyster, quack, or faker. Quack is a reference to quackery or the practice of dubious medicine, including the sale of snake oil, or a person who does not have medical training who purports to provide medical services.

Description of James Cook Hospital staff to a Tee